    ___       __    __          __ __  ___    ____
   /   | ____/ /___/ /__  _____/ // / /   |  / / /
  / /| |/ __  / __  / _ \/ ___/ // /_/ /| | / / / 
 / ___ / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ /  /__  __/ ___ |/ / /  
/_/  |_\__,_/\__,_/\___/_/     /_/ /_/  |_/_/_/   

Enter your latitude and longitude

Number of Results:

Search Using IP Location

Number of Results:

Search for an Address

Address Search:
Name Search:
Max Number of Results:

What is Adder4All?

Adder4All is a website where one can search for the pharmacies closest to them and find if they offer Adderall or Adderall XR.

What is search by IP location?

Using this option will use your IP address to find the general area/city that you are in.

How do I find my latitude and longitude?

You can find your latitude and longitude by going to a maps application, such as Google Maps, and clicking on a place near your location. Two numbers should come up near the bottom. Make sure they do not have any letters such as N or W. For example, a valid pair would be -40.035, 18.913.

How do I search by Address?

Search by address by entering in a key word that appears in the address of the the pharmacy, such as a street name or city. The name is the name of the pharmacy, such as Walgreens or CVS.

Thanks to Geapify, OpenStreetMap, OpenAddresses, Who's on First, and Geonames for providing valuable data
Any questions? Contact me at